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Back to blogging…

I’ve always been the talkative type, extroverted, outgoing, I think even at one point was called a “social butterfly” by an old gymnastics coach and quite frankly sometimes, I probably talk too much! Needless to say, (pun intended), I feel like I have a lot to say! I talk to share, to learn more about others, to help others feel comfortable, it’s a coping mechanism and probably a defense mechanism too, but most of all, I talk to teach!

I want to share ideas, what’s worked for me and yes, my failures too, all in effort to help, maybe just one person. I used to have a blog, “Footesteps to Wellness” that focused on health and wellness type topics, I loved to write but honestly, I got too busy and other things in my day to day life took over. I have missed it, and even more so, I think my platform has I have even MORE to say (for those that know me, hard to believe, right?!).

So much has changed for me since my previous blog…I am now married! I have bonus children (my step-daughters, which I call pegs)! I am a new Mom! I stepped away from a full-time health and wellness career, to stay home to take care of the kids! And I have a house that I have made a home. Last time I was blogging, I was a mostly single, career woman, living in a one bedroom apartment in Scottsdale, Arizona, going out all the time, working out for hours a day and praying for my “dreamlife”. Woah…crazy!! Oddly, that feels like yesterday and an eternity ago all at the same time!! The last 5 years have been a whirlwind, but boy have I learned a lot and continue to learn each and every day.

I am hoping to inspire, educate and support women (and men) out there, that aim to do it ALL… for themselves and for their families!

Here are just a few things I plan to write about:

Health and Wellness of course! Including fitting in healthy eating and exercise while being a busy mom!

Fertility and Infertility

We had a tough and long road getting our Jackson!

Mommy Business and Parenting – sleep training, breastfeeding, BLW, interacting with baby, parenting older ones while having a baby…

Being a bonus Mom – the beautiful, yet craziness of a blended family

Recipes – both the healthy and the unhealthy

Crafting and Creativity - just call me Martha, I hope to share some fun and simple crafts, as well as my most current Pinterest obsessions!

I’m keeping my options open, so this list isn’t hard and fast, nor is it fully encompassing. The other thing I want to do is “Reader’s Choice”… you guys tell me what to write about!! I am also looking to have some guest contributors, so if you have something you are passionate about and want a platform to share on, here may be the place! I am not an expert on really anything (well except maybe wellness) but, I sure do have an opinion and a point of view on most things…but truly, don’t we all? I’m just going to be willing to share it. I hope you enjoy and please subscribe and share with your friends!

In the end, I am an open book, sometimes to a fault, but hope that I can open a window into our life to you, so that you can first of all, laugh, but learn and be inspired too!

A little back story on the blog title:

"Somar of This, Somar of That" is and ode to all the things I want to write about...I want to write about it all, this crazy thing we call life! I have to give credit to an old friend (not old as in age of course ;) ), Kristin, who when I posted on Facebook a while back about wanting to get back into blogging and that I needed a creative title, she suggested this awesome title! I thought it was so creative and clearly illustrated what I am trying to accomplish! So many thanks to a fellow Mama for the awesome idea!

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